Overcoming Emetophobia: A Personal Guide


Hi, I'm Charles Linden. If you're struggling with emetophobia, the intense fear of vomiting, you're not alone. This phobia can be incredibly disruptive, but I'm here to help you navigate through it. I’ve had my own battles with this fear, and I know how overwhelming it can be. For over two decades, I battled severe anxiety disorders, and through my journey, I developed a unique approach that has since helped over 30 million people worldwide. My methods are based on real experiences and proven results. Let's explore emetophobia together and find effective ways to manage and overcome it.

Understanding Emetophobia

What is Emetophobia?

Emetophobia is an intense fear related to vomiting or seeing others vomit. It is characterised by an overwhelming and irrational fear of nausea, vomiting, or the act of vomiting itself. People with emetophobia often go to great lengths to avoid situations they believe could lead to vomiting, such as certain foods, crowded places, or situations where illness is present.

Recognising Symptoms

Physical Symptoms

  • Intense Anxiety: Experiencing overwhelming anxiety related to the possibility of vomiting or seeing others vomit.
  • Physical Reactions: Symptoms such as sweating, trembling, rapid heartbeat, nausea, and even panic attacks when faced with triggers related to vomiting.

Emotional and Behavioural Symptoms

  • Avoidance Behaviour: Avoiding certain foods, social situations, or even leaving home to prevent any situation that might lead to vomiting or seeing others vomit.
  • Obsessive Thoughts: Persistent and intrusive thoughts about vomiting or being exposed to vomit, further fuelling anxiety.

Common Thoughts of Anxious Sufferers

Typical Concerns

  • "What if I vomit in public and can't control it?"
  • "If I touch that object or eat that food, I might get sick and vomit."
  • "What if someone near me vomits? I won't be able to handle it."
  • "I can't go to that event or eat that food because it might make me sick."
  • "Every time I feel a little nauseous, I'm convinced I'm going to vomit."

How It Feels to Suffer from Emetophobia

Intense Anxiety and Avoidance

People with emetophobia often experience overwhelming anxiety related to the possibility of vomiting or seeing others vomit. To prevent any situation that might lead to vomiting, individuals may avoid certain foods, social situations, or even leaving their homes altogether, severely impacting their quality of life and relationships.

My Journey and How I Can Help You

I've been where you are, feeling trapped and overwhelmed by emetophobia. During my worst episodes, the fear of vomiting was so intense that it controlled my daily life. I would avoid eating certain foods and being in places where I thought someone might vomit. Through my own recovery journey, I developed a structured approach to overcoming anxiety disorders, including emetophobia. This method is based on real experiences and results, not just theory.

Steps to Overcoming Emetophobia

Embrace New Behaviours

To escape the anxiety trap, you must learn new, non-anxious behaviours. This involves reprogramming your subconscious mind through consistent, conscious effort. It's not easy, but it's possible with the right guidance and support. For me, starting with small, manageable steps helped me gradually face my fears.

Practise Diversion Techniques

One effective strategy is diversion—engaging in activities that shift your focus away from anxiety. This helps your subconscious mind adopt new, positive behaviours, reducing anxiety over time. Engaging in hobbies and staying active can significantly help in managing emetophobia.

Why You Can Trust My Approach

I understand the overwhelming grip of emetophobia firsthand. I battled severe anxiety disorders for over two decades, and through my recovery, I developed a unique approach that has since helped millions of people worldwide.

Credentials and Experience:

  • Pioneer in Anxiety Recovery: Since 1997, my methods have been tested and proven effective, helping countless individuals regain control of their lives.
  • Author and Educator: I've authored over 200 works and have been featured by Hay House Publishing as the world’s leading anxiety recovery expert.
  • Global Reach: My programmes have reached people in more than 60 countries, with personal coaching and residential retreats that provide immersive recovery experiences.
  • Media Presence: I’ve been a keynote speaker, TV presenter, and guest on numerous radio shows and podcasts, spreading awareness and effective solutions for anxiety disorders.
  • Recovery Ambassadors: Many of my high-profile clients, such as Jemma Kidd, Plum Sykes, and Jodie Kidd, have become Recovery Ambassadors, sharing their recovery journeys to inspire others.


I'm here to guide you every step of the way. Together, we can conquer this fear and open the door to a brighter, more fulfilling future.

If these experiences resonate with you, it’s important to recognise that you might be suffering from emetophobia. The Anxiety Project recovery methodology creates fast, simple and lifelong, drug-free, anxiety disorder recovery. It is the world's first and only accredited, evidence-based, psycho-educational recovery treatment.

By Lori Shifrin

Clinical Therapist