Overcoming Social Media Anxiety: A Personal Guide


Hi, I'm Lori Shifrin. If you're struggling with social media anxiety, you know how it can affect your mental well-being and overall quality of life. Social media anxiety can manifest in various ways, impacting individuals differently based on their experiences and sensitivities. Let's explore social media anxiety together and find effective ways to manage and overcome it.

Understanding Social Media Anxiety

What is Social Media Anxiety?

Social media anxiety involves fears and worries related to social media interactions and presence. These fears can lead to significant distress and impact daily life, often resulting in a range of emotional, physical, and cognitive symptoms.

Recognising Symptoms

Emotional Experience

  • Constant Comparison: Continuously comparing yourself to others on social media, leading to feelings of inadequacy or low self-esteem.
  • Fear of Missing Out (FOMO): Anxiety about missing out on events, experiences, or opportunities that others seem to be enjoying.
  • Pressure to Conform: Feeling pressured to conform to social norms or trends observed on social media.
  • Validation Seeking: Seeking validation through likes, comments, or shares on posts, leading to feelings of rejection or self-doubt if engagement is low.

Physical Sensations

  • Increased Heart Rate: Heart palpitations or a racing heartbeat due to heightened anxiety.
  • Muscle Tension: Tightness in muscles, making relaxation difficult.
  • Sweating: Experiencing excessive sweating, especially when anticipating social media interactions.

Cognitive Effects

  • Negative Thoughts: Persistent negative thoughts about your social media presence and how others perceive you.
  • Racing Thoughts: Thoughts racing through your mind, making it hard to focus on the present moment.
  • Self-Doubt: Doubting your worth and abilities based on social media interactions.

Common Thoughts of Anxious Sufferers

Typical Concerns

  • "Everyone else's life seems so perfect and exciting. Why can't my life be like that?"
  • "I feel like I'm missing out on so much. Everyone is doing fun things, and I'm here doing nothing."
  • "Will people like my post? What if no one likes it or comments on it? Does that mean they don't like me?"
  • "What will people think of me based on what I post? Am I presenting myself in the right way?"
  • "There's so much happening on social media. I can't keep up with all the updates, news, and trends."
  • "What if someone criticises or mocks what I post? I don't want to be judged negatively."
  • "Is my information safe? Who can see what I'm posting? I'm worried about my privacy being compromised."
  • "I have so many notifications and messages to respond to. I feel overwhelmed and pressured to keep up."
  • "I can't stop checking my social media feeds. I feel anxious if I haven't checked them in a while."
  • "I feel like I'm not good enough compared to others on social media. Maybe I should be more like them."
  • "Everyone seems to be interacting and having fun online. I feel lonely and left out."
  • "I spend too much time on social media. I should be doing something more productive."

How Does it Feel to Suffer from Social Media Anxiety?

Social media anxiety can be incredibly distressing, often leading to a range of negative emotions and behaviours.

Impact on Daily Life

  • Relationship Strain: Social media anxiety can place significant strain on relationships with family, friends, and online communities.
  • Isolation: The fear of judgement or rejection might lead you to withdraw from social interactions, both online and offline.
  • Reduced Quality of Life: The time and mental energy spent on social media can interfere with daily activities, work, and social interactions.
  • Constant Mental Exhaustion: The relentless nature of social media can lead to significant mental and emotional exhaustion.

My Journey and How I Can Help You

Through my personal journey, I developed a structured approach to overcoming anxiety disorders. This method is based on real experiences and results, not just theory.

Steps to Overcoming Social Media Anxiety

Embrace New Behaviours

To escape the anxiety trap, you must learn new, non-anxious behaviours. This involves reprogramming your subconscious mind through consistent, conscious effort. It's not easy, but it's possible with the right guidance and support.

Practice Diversion Techniques

One effective strategy is diversion—engaging in activities that shift your focus away from anxiety. This helps your subconscious mind adopt new, positive behaviours, reducing anxiety over time. Engaging in hobbies and staying active can significantly help in managing social media anxiety.

Finding Support and Staying Committed

Remember, recovery is a journey, not a destination. Surround yourself with supportive people and resources.


If these experiences resonate with you, it’s important to recognise that you might be suffering from Social Media Anxiety. The Anxiety Project recovery methodology creates fast, simple, and lifelong, drug-free, anxiety disorder recovery. It is the world's first and only accredited, evidence-based, psycho-educational recovery treatment.

By Lori Shifrin

Clinical Therapist